Graz Highlands

The Graz Highlands or Graz Mountains (German: Grazer Bergland) are a low mountain range north of the Styrian state capital of Graz in Austria. It is part of the Central Alps and forms the start of the Prealps East of the Mur. From a geological perspective, regions on the west bank of the Mur, which are clearly separate from the building of the Styrian Prealps, belong to the Graz Highlands.

Graz Highlands

The Graz Highlands or Graz Mountains (German: Grazer Bergland) are a low mountain range north of the Styrian state capital of Graz in Austria. It is part of the Central Alps and forms the start of the Prealps East of the Mur. From a geological perspective, regions on the west bank of the Mur, which are clearly separate from the building of the Styrian Prealps, belong to the Graz Highlands.