Great Is My Country

Vast is my Native Land (1958), also known as Great is my Country, (Russian: Широка страна моя родная, tr. Shiroka strana moya rodnaya), was the first film shot in the Soviet wide-screen film format known as Kinopanorama. The title was taken from the song of the same name by the Russian composer Isaac Dunaevsky, which is featured in the film. The film was directed by Roman Karmen, known for various documentary films produced in the Soviet Union. The music was composed by Kirill Molchanov, a noted composer of music for ballet and opera.

Great Is My Country

Vast is my Native Land (1958), also known as Great is my Country, (Russian: Широка страна моя родная, tr. Shiroka strana moya rodnaya), was the first film shot in the Soviet wide-screen film format known as Kinopanorama. The title was taken from the song of the same name by the Russian composer Isaac Dunaevsky, which is featured in the film. The film was directed by Roman Karmen, known for various documentary films produced in the Soviet Union. The music was composed by Kirill Molchanov, a noted composer of music for ballet and opera.