Great Yenisey

The Great Yenisey (Russian: Большой Енисей Bolshoy Yenisey; Tuvan: Бии-Хем Bii-Khem) is a river in the Republic of Tuva, the right source of the Yenisey, at its confluence with the Little Yenisey. The name Bii-Khem in Tuvan means "big river".

Great Yenisey

The Great Yenisey (Russian: Большой Енисей Bolshoy Yenisey; Tuvan: Бии-Хем Bii-Khem) is a river in the Republic of Tuva, the right source of the Yenisey, at its confluence with the Little Yenisey. The name Bii-Khem in Tuvan means "big river".