Green Pastures Hospital

Established in 1957, Green Pastures Hospital [GPH] (हरियोखर्क अस्पताल तथा पुर्नार्स्थापना केन्द्र) is situated in Pokhara, Gandaki Province, Nepal. Some of the major services GPH provides are treatment and rehabilitation for people living with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities and extends to reconstructive surgery, palliative care and specialist ear care.

Green Pastures Hospital

Established in 1957, Green Pastures Hospital [GPH] (हरियोखर्क अस्पताल तथा पुर्नार्स्थापना केन्द्र) is situated in Pokhara, Gandaki Province, Nepal. Some of the major services GPH provides are treatment and rehabilitation for people living with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities and extends to reconstructive surgery, palliative care and specialist ear care.