Grigorije Jezdimirović

Grigorije Jezdimirović (Serbian:Григорије Јездимировић:Borovo Selo, near Vukovar, Srem, 1745 - Dalj, near Osijek, after 1822) was a Serbian painter. From 1803 to 1804, painter Grigorije Jezdimirović worked on the iconostasis of the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. George in the Sveti Đurađ monastery, then part of the Austrian Empire, now Romania.

Grigorije Jezdimirović

Grigorije Jezdimirović (Serbian:Григорије Јездимировић:Borovo Selo, near Vukovar, Srem, 1745 - Dalj, near Osijek, after 1822) was a Serbian painter. From 1803 to 1804, painter Grigorije Jezdimirović worked on the iconostasis of the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. George in the Sveti Đurađ monastery, then part of the Austrian Empire, now Romania.