
Grosstarock (German: Großtarock), originally German Taroc (deutsches Tarocspiel) or just Taroc, is an old three-handed card game of the Tarock family played with a full 78-card Tarot pack. It was probably introduced into the southern German states around 1720 but spread rapidly into Austria and northwards as far as the Netherlands and Scandinavia. It only survives today in Denmark where it is called Tarok, but is also referred to in English as Danish Tarok or Danish Tarock.


Grosstarock (German: Großtarock), originally German Taroc (deutsches Tarocspiel) or just Taroc, is an old three-handed card game of the Tarock family played with a full 78-card Tarot pack. It was probably introduced into the southern German states around 1720 but spread rapidly into Austria and northwards as far as the Netherlands and Scandinavia. It only survives today in Denmark where it is called Tarok, but is also referred to in English as Danish Tarok or Danish Tarock.