Group structure and the axiom of choice

In mathematics a group is a set together with a binary operation on the set called multiplication that obeys the group axioms. The axiom of choice is an axiom of ZFC set theory which in one form states that every set can be wellordered. In ZF set theory, i.e. ZFC without the axiom of choice, the following statements are equivalent: * For every nonempty set X there exists a binary operation • such that (X, •) is a group. * The axiom of choice is true.

Group structure and the axiom of choice

In mathematics a group is a set together with a binary operation on the set called multiplication that obeys the group axioms. The axiom of choice is an axiom of ZFC set theory which in one form states that every set can be wellordered. In ZF set theory, i.e. ZFC without the axiom of choice, the following statements are equivalent: * For every nonempty set X there exists a binary operation • such that (X, •) is a group. * The axiom of choice is true.