
Guanoalca (or Huenualca) (died 1590) was the Mapuche toqui (leader) elected in 1586 following the death in battle of the previous toqui, Cadeguala, killed in a duel with the garrison commander of the Spanish fort at Purén in 1586. He returned to continue the siege and forced the Spanish to evacuate the fort, which he then destroyed. While he was toqui in the south near Villa Rica, the female leader Janequeo led Mapuche and Pehuenche warriors against the Spanish. The old toqui Guanoalca died at the end of 1590, and in 1591, Quintuguenu was his successor.


Guanoalca (or Huenualca) (died 1590) was the Mapuche toqui (leader) elected in 1586 following the death in battle of the previous toqui, Cadeguala, killed in a duel with the garrison commander of the Spanish fort at Purén in 1586. He returned to continue the siege and forced the Spanish to evacuate the fort, which he then destroyed. While he was toqui in the south near Villa Rica, the female leader Janequeo led Mapuche and Pehuenche warriors against the Spanish. The old toqui Guanoalca died at the end of 1590, and in 1591, Quintuguenu was his successor.