
Gudban is a 1907 poem and oration by Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, the leader of the darawish, announcing his policy declaration. It was one of many orations and poems which were salvaged after Maxamed Aadan Sheekh, Somalia's Minister of Culture ordered for them to be salvaged, but only permitted poems which were memorized by former members of the Haroun (darawish government). The Gudban poem in particular, was transmitted in 1957 by the darawish veteran Garaad Soofe Durraan. The darawish referred to the poem as Gaala leged, which could be translated from Somali to English as Defeating the Infidels. Non-darawish Somalis referred to the poem as Gudban, which is a Somali word that literally means "moving across". This was in reference to how during the year it was released, the darawish moved ba


Gudban is a 1907 poem and oration by Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, the leader of the darawish, announcing his policy declaration. It was one of many orations and poems which were salvaged after Maxamed Aadan Sheekh, Somalia's Minister of Culture ordered for them to be salvaged, but only permitted poems which were memorized by former members of the Haroun (darawish government). The Gudban poem in particular, was transmitted in 1957 by the darawish veteran Garaad Soofe Durraan. The darawish referred to the poem as Gaala leged, which could be translated from Somali to English as Defeating the Infidels. Non-darawish Somalis referred to the poem as Gudban, which is a Somali word that literally means "moving across". This was in reference to how during the year it was released, the darawish moved ba