Gulnaz (Afghan)

Gulnaz is an Afghan woman and rape victim. She was raped by her cousin's husband in 2009 and became pregnant. She was then charged with adultery, a crime in Afghanistan. She was initially sentenced to two years in jail, which was later raised to twelve, and she gave birth to a daughter in jail. The American lawyer Kimberley Motley represented her and successfully submitted a pardon application to President Hamid Karzai. More than five thousand people signed the petition for Gulnaz's release. On December 2, 2011 President Karzai signed her pardon.

Gulnaz (Afghan)

Gulnaz is an Afghan woman and rape victim. She was raped by her cousin's husband in 2009 and became pregnant. She was then charged with adultery, a crime in Afghanistan. She was initially sentenced to two years in jail, which was later raised to twelve, and she gave birth to a daughter in jail. The American lawyer Kimberley Motley represented her and successfully submitted a pardon application to President Hamid Karzai. More than five thousand people signed the petition for Gulnaz's release. On December 2, 2011 President Karzai signed her pardon.