Gunung Sewu

Gunung Sewu (Thousand mountains) is the name for the karst region of southern central Java that lies to the south east of Yogyakarta, south of Surakarta, and is considered a very dry and poor socio-economical region in Java. It has poor rainfall compared to the volcanic mountain areas to the north and east. Administratively most of the region is part of Gunung Kidul Regency, within the Yogyakarta province besides Wonogiri Regency and Pacitan Regency. In 1993, the world speleologs proposed Sewu Mountains Karst Area as a world heritage. And on December 6, 2004 Sewu Mountains and South Gombong have been announced as eco-karst.

Gunung Sewu

Gunung Sewu (Thousand mountains) is the name for the karst region of southern central Java that lies to the south east of Yogyakarta, south of Surakarta, and is considered a very dry and poor socio-economical region in Java. It has poor rainfall compared to the volcanic mountain areas to the north and east. Administratively most of the region is part of Gunung Kidul Regency, within the Yogyakarta province besides Wonogiri Regency and Pacitan Regency. In 1993, the world speleologs proposed Sewu Mountains Karst Area as a world heritage. And on December 6, 2004 Sewu Mountains and South Gombong have been announced as eco-karst.