Gustavo Kuerten career statistics

This is a list of the main career statistics of former Brazilian professional tennis player, Gustavo Kuerten. All statistics are according to the ATP World Tour and ITF website. Throughout his career, Kuerten won a total of 28 ATP titles — 20 in singles, including 3 Grand Slam titles, 5 ATP Masters Series tournaments and a Tennis Masters Cup, as well as 8 in doubles.

Gustavo Kuerten career statistics

This is a list of the main career statistics of former Brazilian professional tennis player, Gustavo Kuerten. All statistics are according to the ATP World Tour and ITF website. Throughout his career, Kuerten won a total of 28 ATP titles — 20 in singles, including 3 Grand Slam titles, 5 ATP Masters Series tournaments and a Tennis Masters Cup, as well as 8 in doubles.