Guy Randrianarisoa

Guy Célin Rivoniaina Randrianarisoa (born 1962), often known as Guy Rivo Randrianarisoa, is a Malagasy businessman and politician. In February 2009, he was appointed Mayor of Antananarivo by President Marc Ravalomanana to replace Andry Rajoelina, who was removed from the office after declaring himself the leader of Madagascar. Since 2014, he has served as a member of the National Assembly.

Guy Randrianarisoa

Guy Célin Rivoniaina Randrianarisoa (born 1962), often known as Guy Rivo Randrianarisoa, is a Malagasy businessman and politician. In February 2009, he was appointed Mayor of Antananarivo by President Marc Ravalomanana to replace Andry Rajoelina, who was removed from the office after declaring himself the leader of Madagascar. Since 2014, he has served as a member of the National Assembly.