
Gwydion fab Dôn (Welsh pronunciation: [ˈɡwɨ̞djɔn vaːb ˈdoːn]) is a magician, hero and trickster of Welsh mythology, appearing most prominently in the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi, which focuses largely on his relationship with his young nephew, Lleu Llaw Gyffes. He also appears prominently in the Welsh Triads, the Book of Taliesin and the Stanzas of the Graves. The name Gwydion may be interpreted as "Born of Trees". Gwydion has also been identified with the Germanic Wōden by Robert Graves.


Gwydion fab Dôn (Welsh pronunciation: [ˈɡwɨ̞djɔn vaːb ˈdoːn]) is a magician, hero and trickster of Welsh mythology, appearing most prominently in the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi, which focuses largely on his relationship with his young nephew, Lleu Llaw Gyffes. He also appears prominently in the Welsh Triads, the Book of Taliesin and the Stanzas of the Graves. The name Gwydion may be interpreted as "Born of Trees". Gwydion has also been identified with the Germanic Wōden by Robert Graves.