HD 4113 b

HD 4113 b is a jovian planet located approximately 137 light-years away in the constellation of Sculptor, orbiting the star HD 4113. This planet has a very eccentric orbit with a 527-day period at 1.28 AU from the parent star. At periastron, the distance is 0.124 AU and at apastron, the distance is 2.44 AU.

HD 4113 b

HD 4113 b is a jovian planet located approximately 137 light-years away in the constellation of Sculptor, orbiting the star HD 4113. This planet has a very eccentric orbit with a 527-day period at 1.28 AU from the parent star. At periastron, the distance is 0.124 AU and at apastron, the distance is 2.44 AU.