HD 83953

HD 83953 (I Hydrae) is a single, blue-white hued star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra. It is visible to the naked eye, having an apparent visual magnitude of 4.76. Based upon an annual parallax shift of 6.6 mas, the distance to this star is estimated as 500 light years. It is moving further from Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of +16 km/s. HD 83953 has 4.6 times the mass of the Sun and 4.0 times the Sun's radius. It is radiating 708 times the Sun's luminosity from its photosphere at an effective temperature of 15,000 K.

HD 83953

HD 83953 (I Hydrae) is a single, blue-white hued star in the equatorial constellation of Hydra. It is visible to the naked eye, having an apparent visual magnitude of 4.76. Based upon an annual parallax shift of 6.6 mas, the distance to this star is estimated as 500 light years. It is moving further from Earth with a heliocentric radial velocity of +16 km/s. HD 83953 has 4.6 times the mass of the Sun and 4.0 times the Sun's radius. It is radiating 708 times the Sun's luminosity from its photosphere at an effective temperature of 15,000 K.