HD 87883 b

HD 87883 b is an extrasolar planet which orbits the K-type main sequence star HD 87883, located approximately 59 light years away in the constellation Leo Minor. It is a long-period planet, taking seven and a half years to orbit the star at the average distance of 3.60 AU. However, this planet orbits in a very eccentric path, which ranges distance from as close as 1.69 AU to as far as 5.51 AU. This planet was detected by radial velocity method on August 13, 2009.

HD 87883 b

HD 87883 b is an extrasolar planet which orbits the K-type main sequence star HD 87883, located approximately 59 light years away in the constellation Leo Minor. It is a long-period planet, taking seven and a half years to orbit the star at the average distance of 3.60 AU. However, this planet orbits in a very eccentric path, which ranges distance from as close as 1.69 AU to as far as 5.51 AU. This planet was detected by radial velocity method on August 13, 2009.