HD 96167

HD 96167 is a binary star located approximately 280 light years away in the constellation of Crater. Primary HD 96167 A is an 8th magnitude G-type subgiant star It is larger, brighter and more massive than our Sun. The star is metal rich and around 3.8 ± 1 Gyr old. The faint stellar companion was detected in 2014 at the projected separation 506 AU, and existence of additional stellar companions was ruled out at projected distances from 51 to 740 astronomical units.

HD 96167

HD 96167 is a binary star located approximately 280 light years away in the constellation of Crater. Primary HD 96167 A is an 8th magnitude G-type subgiant star It is larger, brighter and more massive than our Sun. The star is metal rich and around 3.8 ± 1 Gyr old. The faint stellar companion was detected in 2014 at the projected separation 506 AU, and existence of additional stellar companions was ruled out at projected distances from 51 to 740 astronomical units.