HMS Diana (1794)

HMS Diana was a 38-gun Artois-class fifth rate frigate of the Royal Navy. She was launched in 1794. Because Diana served in the Royal Navy's Egyptian campaign between 8 March 1801 and 2 September, her officers and crew qualified for the clasp "Egypt" to the Naval General Service Medal that the Admiralty authorized in 1850 to all surviving claimants. In January or February 1812 the French captured Patent, Gillespie, master. Diana recaptured Patent on 4 February. Patent arrived at Plymouth on 6 February.

HMS Diana (1794)

HMS Diana was a 38-gun Artois-class fifth rate frigate of the Royal Navy. She was launched in 1794. Because Diana served in the Royal Navy's Egyptian campaign between 8 March 1801 and 2 September, her officers and crew qualified for the clasp "Egypt" to the Naval General Service Medal that the Admiralty authorized in 1850 to all surviving claimants. In January or February 1812 the French captured Patent, Gillespie, master. Diana recaptured Patent on 4 February. Patent arrived at Plymouth on 6 February.