HSM Oldenbarneveldt - Simon Stevin

The HSM 190 to 193 were a class of four 2-4-0 steam locomotives delivered by Borsig to the Hollandsche Spoorweg Maatschappij in 1888. The locomotives were named as was typical for the HSM. These were of the same type as locomotives of the series JAN PIERERSZZ., KOEN-OLIVIER VAN NOORT, with the exception that the new machines were compound locomotives. Compounding was introduced in an effort to improve efficiency.

HSM Oldenbarneveldt - Simon Stevin

The HSM 190 to 193 were a class of four 2-4-0 steam locomotives delivered by Borsig to the Hollandsche Spoorweg Maatschappij in 1888. The locomotives were named as was typical for the HSM. These were of the same type as locomotives of the series JAN PIERERSZZ., KOEN-OLIVIER VAN NOORT, with the exception that the new machines were compound locomotives. Compounding was introduced in an effort to improve efficiency.