Hair cloning

Hair multiplication or hair cloning is a proposed technique to counter hair loss. The technology to clone hair is in its early stages. Experts previously assumed that in the case of complete baldness, follicles are completely absent from the scalp, so they cannot be regenerated. However it was discovered that the follicles are not entirely absent, as there are stem cells in the bald scalp from which the follicles naturally arise. Abnormal behavior of these follicles is suggested to be the result of progenitor cell deficiency in these areas.

Hair cloning

Hair multiplication or hair cloning is a proposed technique to counter hair loss. The technology to clone hair is in its early stages. Experts previously assumed that in the case of complete baldness, follicles are completely absent from the scalp, so they cannot be regenerated. However it was discovered that the follicles are not entirely absent, as there are stem cells in the bald scalp from which the follicles naturally arise. Abnormal behavior of these follicles is suggested to be the result of progenitor cell deficiency in these areas.