Hampton Court Beauties

The Hampton Court Beauties are a series of eight portraits by Sir Godfrey Kneller, commissioned by Queen Mary II of England, depicting the most glamorous ladies from the court of William III. They adorn the state rooms of King William III at Hampton Court Palace. They were probably originally commissioned to hang in the "water room" at Hampton court, however after his wife's death in 1694, William moved them to "the eating room downstairs" where they currently hang.

Hampton Court Beauties

The Hampton Court Beauties are a series of eight portraits by Sir Godfrey Kneller, commissioned by Queen Mary II of England, depicting the most glamorous ladies from the court of William III. They adorn the state rooms of King William III at Hampton Court Palace. They were probably originally commissioned to hang in the "water room" at Hampton court, however after his wife's death in 1694, William moved them to "the eating room downstairs" where they currently hang.