Hampton Masonic Lodge Building

The Hampton Masonic Lodge Building in Hampton, Arkansas is an Early Commercial style building that was built in 1920. As originally designed the building had commercial store space on the first floor, and rooms for both the Hampton Masonic Lodge and the Farmers Home Administration on the second floor. In 1954, the building was acquired by the Western Auto Store, and the second floor was turned into a toy department.It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2008.

Hampton Masonic Lodge Building

The Hampton Masonic Lodge Building in Hampton, Arkansas is an Early Commercial style building that was built in 1920. As originally designed the building had commercial store space on the first floor, and rooms for both the Hampton Masonic Lodge and the Farmers Home Administration on the second floor. In 1954, the building was acquired by the Western Auto Store, and the second floor was turned into a toy department.It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2008.