Hanne Vedel

Hanne Elisabet Vedel (born 1933) is a Danish weaver who has created her own textiles since 1955, using natural raw materials such as silk, wool and cotton. In 1979, after acquiring Spindegården from Paula Trock, she moved the establishment to Aabenraa, making it her design and production facility. Her fabrics have been widely used in Denmark and abroad, for churches, courts of law and banks. In 1952, Finn Juhl used her materials for the upholstery and curtains when designing the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York. They were reapplied in the 2013 renovation.

Hanne Vedel

Hanne Elisabet Vedel (born 1933) is a Danish weaver who has created her own textiles since 1955, using natural raw materials such as silk, wool and cotton. In 1979, after acquiring Spindegården from Paula Trock, she moved the establishment to Aabenraa, making it her design and production facility. Her fabrics have been widely used in Denmark and abroad, for churches, courts of law and banks. In 1952, Finn Juhl used her materials for the upholstery and curtains when designing the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York. They were reapplied in the 2013 renovation.