Harald Bergstedt

Harald Bergstedt (Harald Alfred Petersen; 10 August 1877, in Køge – 19 September 1965, in Copenhagen) was a Danish writer, novelist, playwright and a poet. Author of the genre and satire verses (collections: Song of the province / Sange fra provinsen, 1913—1921; Wide Wings, 1919; Songs for all the Winds, 1927). His social novel Alexandersen (1918) became a satire on a bourgeois culture. His novel Factory of the Saints (1919, Russian translation 1924) became a prototype for Yakov Protazanov's 1930 film St. Jorgen's Day — a satire on the church and its ministers' hypocrisy.

Harald Bergstedt

Harald Bergstedt (Harald Alfred Petersen; 10 August 1877, in Køge – 19 September 1965, in Copenhagen) was a Danish writer, novelist, playwright and a poet. Author of the genre and satire verses (collections: Song of the province / Sange fra provinsen, 1913—1921; Wide Wings, 1919; Songs for all the Winds, 1927). His social novel Alexandersen (1918) became a satire on a bourgeois culture. His novel Factory of the Saints (1919, Russian translation 1924) became a prototype for Yakov Protazanov's 1930 film St. Jorgen's Day — a satire on the church and its ministers' hypocrisy.