Harbarian process modeling

Harbarian process modeling (HPM) is a method for obtaining internal process information from an organization and then documenting that information in a visually effective, simple manner. The HPM method involves two levels: 1. * Process diagrams: High-level overviews of specific processes or workflows. 2. * Systems diagrams: Mapping how each process is correlated, as well as various inputs, outputs, goals, feedback loops, and external factors.

Harbarian process modeling

Harbarian process modeling (HPM) is a method for obtaining internal process information from an organization and then documenting that information in a visually effective, simple manner. The HPM method involves two levels: 1. * Process diagrams: High-level overviews of specific processes or workflows. 2. * Systems diagrams: Mapping how each process is correlated, as well as various inputs, outputs, goals, feedback loops, and external factors.