Hardy Wright

Hardy Wright (1893–1974) was a Scottish greyhound trainer. He was born in Kirkbean, Kirkcudbrightshire, the youngest child of Jack Wright and Mary Harriet Palin of Mersehead Farm, Kirkbean (now a RSPB nature reserve). Hardy Wright served with the Royal Navy during World War I, meeting his future wife in Portsmouth during this time. The following year he won the Barbican Cup with Mr. Walter Wilson's Well Away - the first time the cup had come to Scotland. He had other successes in the Waterloo Purse and Plate and the Barbican Plate.

Hardy Wright

Hardy Wright (1893–1974) was a Scottish greyhound trainer. He was born in Kirkbean, Kirkcudbrightshire, the youngest child of Jack Wright and Mary Harriet Palin of Mersehead Farm, Kirkbean (now a RSPB nature reserve). Hardy Wright served with the Royal Navy during World War I, meeting his future wife in Portsmouth during this time. The following year he won the Barbican Cup with Mr. Walter Wilson's Well Away - the first time the cup had come to Scotland. He had other successes in the Waterloo Purse and Plate and the Barbican Plate.