Harris Westminster Sixth Form

Harris Westminster Sixth Form (also known as Harris Westminster or HWSF) is a selective mixed sixth form in central London which was established with the goal of increasing the rate of entry to top universities among students from areas of socio-economic deprivation. Its aim is to "combine the strengths of Westminster School in teaching academically able students with the Harris Federation’s experience in establishing and running outstanding maintained sector schools across London". The Harris Westminster building was bought by the government for £45 million in order to create the school.

Harris Westminster Sixth Form

Harris Westminster Sixth Form (also known as Harris Westminster or HWSF) is a selective mixed sixth form in central London which was established with the goal of increasing the rate of entry to top universities among students from areas of socio-economic deprivation. Its aim is to "combine the strengths of Westminster School in teaching academically able students with the Harris Federation’s experience in establishing and running outstanding maintained sector schools across London". The Harris Westminster building was bought by the government for £45 million in order to create the school.