Harry Piers

Harry Piers (1870–1940) was a Canadian historian. He was a long-serving and influential historian and curator at the Nova Scotia Museum in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Piers was born on February 12, 1870 in Halifax. Piers was an active writer publishing on a wide range of subject from the history of the military to the habits of the winter wren, a tiny bird found in Nova Scotia forests. His last book, "The Evolution of the Halifax Fortress 1749-1928", was published in 1947 just after his death and played a key role in restoring the Halifax Citadel and York Redoubt.

Harry Piers

Harry Piers (1870–1940) was a Canadian historian. He was a long-serving and influential historian and curator at the Nova Scotia Museum in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Piers was born on February 12, 1870 in Halifax. Piers was an active writer publishing on a wide range of subject from the history of the military to the habits of the winter wren, a tiny bird found in Nova Scotia forests. His last book, "The Evolution of the Halifax Fortress 1749-1928", was published in 1947 just after his death and played a key role in restoring the Halifax Citadel and York Redoubt.