Hasta el viento tiene miedo

Hasta el viento tiene miedo, known in English as Even the Wind is Afraid and The Wind of Fear, is a 1968 (1967 according to the ITESM) Mexican gothic supernatural horror film, written and directed by Carlos Enrique Taboada. It is considered a cult movie in México and has been credited as having revitalized the Mexican horror genre. A remake was released in 2007.

Hasta el viento tiene miedo

Hasta el viento tiene miedo, known in English as Even the Wind is Afraid and The Wind of Fear, is a 1968 (1967 according to the ITESM) Mexican gothic supernatural horror film, written and directed by Carlos Enrique Taboada. It is considered a cult movie in México and has been credited as having revitalized the Mexican horror genre. A remake was released in 2007.