Haunting Violet

Haunting Violet is a paranormal novel by . It was officially released in UK on July 5, 2011. Haunting Violet is set in 1872 and the world of Victorian spiritualism. The main character, Violet Willoughby, is the daughter of a fraudulent medium. For years she has taken part in her mother's faked seances, pretending to put the rich and powerful in touch with the dead, and their success has brought them a life of luxury they could only have dreamed of and Violet the prospect of a society marriage. But Violet has a real, unsuspected power to see the dead, and begins to be haunted day and night by the ghost of a drowned girl who will not let her rest until her murderer is uncovered.

Haunting Violet

Haunting Violet is a paranormal novel by . It was officially released in UK on July 5, 2011. Haunting Violet is set in 1872 and the world of Victorian spiritualism. The main character, Violet Willoughby, is the daughter of a fraudulent medium. For years she has taken part in her mother's faked seances, pretending to put the rich and powerful in touch with the dead, and their success has brought them a life of luxury they could only have dreamed of and Violet the prospect of a society marriage. But Violet has a real, unsuspected power to see the dead, and begins to be haunted day and night by the ghost of a drowned girl who will not let her rest until her murderer is uncovered.