Hayato Gokudera

Hayato Gokudera (獄寺 隼人, Gokudera Hayato) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Reborn! created by Akira Amano. Portrayed as one of the protagonist's first friends, Hayato Gokudera is introduced as a 14-year-old bad boy born in Italy. He inherits many traits from his mother, and is half-italian and half-japanese. After the protagonist Tsuna Sawada prevents him from dying due to his own explosives, he joins Tsuna's Vongola Mafia family. He later becomes the Vongola Storm Guardian.

Hayato Gokudera

Hayato Gokudera (獄寺 隼人, Gokudera Hayato) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Reborn! created by Akira Amano. Portrayed as one of the protagonist's first friends, Hayato Gokudera is introduced as a 14-year-old bad boy born in Italy. He inherits many traits from his mother, and is half-italian and half-japanese. After the protagonist Tsuna Sawada prevents him from dying due to his own explosives, he joins Tsuna's Vongola Mafia family. He later becomes the Vongola Storm Guardian.