Healthcare in Kent

Healthcare in Kent is now mainly the responsibility from 1 April 2020 of the Kent & Medway Clinical Commissioning Group. Certain specialised services are directly commissioned by NHS England, coordinated through the South East integrated regional team. Some NHS England structures are aligned on a Kent & Medway basis, others on a South East basis and there is liaison with London that provides many tertiary (highly specialised) healthcare services to the residents of Kent.

Healthcare in Kent

Healthcare in Kent is now mainly the responsibility from 1 April 2020 of the Kent & Medway Clinical Commissioning Group. Certain specialised services are directly commissioned by NHS England, coordinated through the South East integrated regional team. Some NHS England structures are aligned on a Kent & Medway basis, others on a South East basis and there is liaison with London that provides many tertiary (highly specialised) healthcare services to the residents of Kent.