Heghine Rapyan

Heghine Rapyan (born April 24, 1985 in Gavar, Armenia) is a young pianist of Armenian origin.She is an honours graduate (diploma with distinction) of the “Komitas” State Conservatory, Yerevan, Armenia. In 2008 she was offered a place for Postgraduate study in “Mozarteum” University in Salzburg / Austria, where she studied under the guidance of Prof. Peter Lang and latterly Prof. Rolf Plagge. In addition, since 2011, Heghine is researching on the biography of an unknown Austrian woman composer of the late 19th / early 20th century.

Heghine Rapyan

Heghine Rapyan (born April 24, 1985 in Gavar, Armenia) is a young pianist of Armenian origin.She is an honours graduate (diploma with distinction) of the “Komitas” State Conservatory, Yerevan, Armenia. In 2008 she was offered a place for Postgraduate study in “Mozarteum” University in Salzburg / Austria, where she studied under the guidance of Prof. Peter Lang and latterly Prof. Rolf Plagge. In addition, since 2011, Heghine is researching on the biography of an unknown Austrian woman composer of the late 19th / early 20th century.