Heini Dittmar

Heini Dittmar (March 30, 1912, Bad Kissingen, Unterfranken, Germany – April 28, 1960 near Mülheim an der Ruhr, West Germany) was a record-breaking German glider pilot. Inspired by the example of his glider flying brother Edgar, Dittmar took an apprenticeship at the German Institute for Gliding (DFS). In 1932, flying his self-built glider Kondor, he won a first prize at the Rhön Glider Competition. Dittmar died in a crash in 1960 while test-flying a light aircraft of his own design, the HD-153 Motor-Möwe, near Essen/Mülheim airport.

Heini Dittmar

Heini Dittmar (March 30, 1912, Bad Kissingen, Unterfranken, Germany – April 28, 1960 near Mülheim an der Ruhr, West Germany) was a record-breaking German glider pilot. Inspired by the example of his glider flying brother Edgar, Dittmar took an apprenticeship at the German Institute for Gliding (DFS). In 1932, flying his self-built glider Kondor, he won a first prize at the Rhön Glider Competition. Dittmar died in a crash in 1960 while test-flying a light aircraft of his own design, the HD-153 Motor-Möwe, near Essen/Mülheim airport.