Heinrich von Wülzburg

Heinrich von Wülzburg was a German Benedictine monk, abbot of the monastery of Wülzburg and Archbishop of Gniezno in Poland. According to the fourteenth-century life of Otto of Bamberg Heinrich arrived in Poland among the entourage of Otto of Bamberg. However, Jan Długosz, writing in 15th century and Gesta principum Polonorum do not reference him and there is some question about whether Heinrich was actually bishop. None of the old catalogs of the archbishops of Gniezno mentions him, nor does Jan Dlugosz know about him.

Heinrich von Wülzburg

Heinrich von Wülzburg was a German Benedictine monk, abbot of the monastery of Wülzburg and Archbishop of Gniezno in Poland. According to the fourteenth-century life of Otto of Bamberg Heinrich arrived in Poland among the entourage of Otto of Bamberg. However, Jan Długosz, writing in 15th century and Gesta principum Polonorum do not reference him and there is some question about whether Heinrich was actually bishop. None of the old catalogs of the archbishops of Gniezno mentions him, nor does Jan Dlugosz know about him.