
Helitron is a mixed choir operating in Tallinn and originally set up to cater to employees of Tondi Elektroonika. Of the employment-related choirs established during Soviet occupation of Estonia, Helitron was one of the most famous ones, and is one of the few ones who have outlived the USSR. A number of people who participated in the Singing Revolution in musical rôles have at some point in their life been involved with Helitron, as either a singer in it, or as a conductor or arranger.


Helitron is a mixed choir operating in Tallinn and originally set up to cater to employees of Tondi Elektroonika. Of the employment-related choirs established during Soviet occupation of Estonia, Helitron was one of the most famous ones, and is one of the few ones who have outlived the USSR. A number of people who participated in the Singing Revolution in musical rôles have at some point in their life been involved with Helitron, as either a singer in it, or as a conductor or arranger.