Helvi Mustonen

Helvi Mustonen (born 1 July 1947 in Kemi), is a Finnish artist and a painter. Mustonen's works of art are mainly paintings, but she also creates sculptures in bronze. Helvi Mustonen's art has typically very strong and emotional themes and strong colours. The paintings are usually quite dark and symbolistic. Helvi Mustonen was named the Artist of the Year by the Art Guild of Hyvinkää in 2000 and 2011.

Helvi Mustonen

Helvi Mustonen (born 1 July 1947 in Kemi), is a Finnish artist and a painter. Mustonen's works of art are mainly paintings, but she also creates sculptures in bronze. Helvi Mustonen's art has typically very strong and emotional themes and strong colours. The paintings are usually quite dark and symbolistic. Helvi Mustonen was named the Artist of the Year by the Art Guild of Hyvinkää in 2000 and 2011.