Henry Charlick

Henry Charlick (8 July 1845 in London, England – 26 July 1916 in Adelaide, Australia) was a leading Australian chess master in the 1880s. He won the second Australian Chess Championship at Adelaide 1887 with 7½ points out of 9 games, ahead of reigning champion Frederick Karl Esling (7 points) and George H. D. Gossip (6½). Charlick scored 6/8 in the third championship at Melbourne 1888, tying for first with , ahead of (5½), but narrowly lost the playoff to Crane (1 win, 2 losses, 1 draw).

Henry Charlick

Henry Charlick (8 July 1845 in London, England – 26 July 1916 in Adelaide, Australia) was a leading Australian chess master in the 1880s. He won the second Australian Chess Championship at Adelaide 1887 with 7½ points out of 9 games, ahead of reigning champion Frederick Karl Esling (7 points) and George H. D. Gossip (6½). Charlick scored 6/8 in the third championship at Melbourne 1888, tying for first with , ahead of (5½), but narrowly lost the playoff to Crane (1 win, 2 losses, 1 draw).