Henry Valentine Conolly

Henry Valentine Conolly (5 December 1806 – 11 September 1855) was an East India Company official in the Madras Presidency who served as a magistrate and collector of Malabar. He took an active role in the establishment of teak plantations to meet the demands for teak in ship-building. He was murdered in Calicut by Mappila - Muslim for the actions he sought to take on their leader Sayid Fasal Pukkoya Tangal of Mampuram Mosque.Leaders of different region held a meeting at home of Palamadathil Puthupparambil Kunhali, a noble family head and a philanthropist of Kuttoor near Vengara to discuss the protest and campaign against Connolly for his active role in exile of Sayyid Fazal.Mandayappuram mammadunni mooppan and Veeranunni mooppan also participated in the meeting.

Henry Valentine Conolly

Henry Valentine Conolly (5 December 1806 – 11 September 1855) was an East India Company official in the Madras Presidency who served as a magistrate and collector of Malabar. He took an active role in the establishment of teak plantations to meet the demands for teak in ship-building. He was murdered in Calicut by Mappila - Muslim for the actions he sought to take on their leader Sayid Fasal Pukkoya Tangal of Mampuram Mosque.Leaders of different region held a meeting at home of Palamadathil Puthupparambil Kunhali, a noble family head and a philanthropist of Kuttoor near Vengara to discuss the protest and campaign against Connolly for his active role in exile of Sayyid Fazal.Mandayappuram mammadunni mooppan and Veeranunni mooppan also participated in the meeting.