Hessian polyhedron

In geometry, the Hessian polyhedron is a regular complex polyhedron 3{3}3{3}3, , in . It has 27 vertices, 72 3{} edges, and 27 3{3}3 faces. It is self-dual. Coxeter named it after Ludwig Otto Hesse for sharing the Hessian configuration or (94123), 9 points lying by threes on twelve lines, with four lines through each point. The Witting polytope, 3{3}3{3}3{3}3, contains the Hessian polyhedron as cells and vertex figures.

Hessian polyhedron

In geometry, the Hessian polyhedron is a regular complex polyhedron 3{3}3{3}3, , in . It has 27 vertices, 72 3{} edges, and 27 3{3}3 faces. It is self-dual. Coxeter named it after Ludwig Otto Hesse for sharing the Hessian configuration or (94123), 9 points lying by threes on twelve lines, with four lines through each point. The Witting polytope, 3{3}3{3}3{3}3, contains the Hessian polyhedron as cells and vertex figures.