Heteropia glomerosa

Heteropia glomerosa is a species of calcareous sponge in the family Heteropiidae, and was first described as Leuconia glomerosa in 1873 by James Scott Bowerbank. In Australia, the species is found in the IMCRA regions of the Central Western Shelf Transition, Central Western Shelf Province, Northwest Province, and the Central Western Transition (on the north-west Western Australian coastline). The dried type specimen came from Port Elizabeth and brought by Captain Charles Tyler to Bowerbank.

Heteropia glomerosa

Heteropia glomerosa is a species of calcareous sponge in the family Heteropiidae, and was first described as Leuconia glomerosa in 1873 by James Scott Bowerbank. In Australia, the species is found in the IMCRA regions of the Central Western Shelf Transition, Central Western Shelf Province, Northwest Province, and the Central Western Transition (on the north-west Western Australian coastline). The dried type specimen came from Port Elizabeth and brought by Captain Charles Tyler to Bowerbank.