High Halstow NNR

High Halstow National Nature Reserve is on the Hoo Peninsula north of Chatham. It is also part of the Northwood Hill Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Reserve (which is 270 hectares of grazing marsh, woodland and farmland). It was declared a National Nature Reserve in 1951. The reserve and the woodland lies on the hill to the north of the village of High Halstow. The Saxon Shore Way long distance path passes through the reserve between Cooling and High Halstow.

High Halstow NNR

High Halstow National Nature Reserve is on the Hoo Peninsula north of Chatham. It is also part of the Northwood Hill Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Reserve (which is 270 hectares of grazing marsh, woodland and farmland). It was declared a National Nature Reserve in 1951. The reserve and the woodland lies on the hill to the north of the village of High Halstow. The Saxon Shore Way long distance path passes through the reserve between Cooling and High Halstow.