High Neighbors: Dub Tribute to Phish

High Neighbors: Dub Tribute to Phish is a tribute album to the rock band Phish featuring instrumental reggae and dub versions of several Phish classics. With the exception of percussionist Mario Calandrelli, all of the music on the album is performed by project leader Martino Campobasso. The album features all new arrangements conceived by Campobasso, with only hints of the songs' original themes.

High Neighbors: Dub Tribute to Phish

High Neighbors: Dub Tribute to Phish is a tribute album to the rock band Phish featuring instrumental reggae and dub versions of several Phish classics. With the exception of percussionist Mario Calandrelli, all of the music on the album is performed by project leader Martino Campobasso. The album features all new arrangements conceived by Campobasso, with only hints of the songs' original themes.