
Hildoceratoidea, formerly Hildoceratacaea, is a superfamily of compressed or planulate ammonites, some tending to develop acute outer rims; generally with arcuate or sigmoidal ribs. Aptichus were found in place are double-valved. Hildoceratoidea is an upper Lower to lower Middle Jurassic group belonging to the Ammonitina that unites the Hildoceratidae, Hammatoceratidae, Graphoceratidae, and Sonniniidae. In some taxonomies the name Phymatoceratidae is substituted for the Hammatoceratidae


Hildoceratoidea, formerly Hildoceratacaea, is a superfamily of compressed or planulate ammonites, some tending to develop acute outer rims; generally with arcuate or sigmoidal ribs. Aptichus were found in place are double-valved. Hildoceratoidea is an upper Lower to lower Middle Jurassic group belonging to the Ammonitina that unites the Hildoceratidae, Hammatoceratidae, Graphoceratidae, and Sonniniidae. In some taxonomies the name Phymatoceratidae is substituted for the Hammatoceratidae