Hillcrest, Norfolk County, Ontario

Hillcrest is a hamlet in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada that is in between Bill's Corners and the town of Simcoe. Hillcrest's earliest known inhabitants, from around the year 1000 until approximately 300–350 years later, were the Algonquin nation. They were noted flint-workers and evidence of their skill in crafting arrowheads is still to be found in open worked field areas surrounding the village. The next wave of inhabitants were the Attawandaron nation, the Neutrals, who occupied the region from about 1350 until their absorption by the Iroquois in the year 1651. The last significant native nation to occupy the area was the Mississaugas.

Hillcrest, Norfolk County, Ontario

Hillcrest is a hamlet in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada that is in between Bill's Corners and the town of Simcoe. Hillcrest's earliest known inhabitants, from around the year 1000 until approximately 300–350 years later, were the Algonquin nation. They were noted flint-workers and evidence of their skill in crafting arrowheads is still to be found in open worked field areas surrounding the village. The next wave of inhabitants were the Attawandaron nation, the Neutrals, who occupied the region from about 1350 until their absorption by the Iroquois in the year 1651. The last significant native nation to occupy the area was the Mississaugas.