Hindu mythological wars

Hindu mythological wars are the battles described in the Hindu texts of ancient India. These battles depicted great heroes, demons, celestial weapons and supernatural beings. Major wars were fought with the aim of upholding the Dharma (righteousness that brought prosperity to humanity) over Adharma (wickedness that causes humanity to suffer). The purpose of the wars is often described as the removal of demonic beings or lords and rulers who pursued war with ambition (wicked wishes) and domination (for worldly pleasures). Hindu teachings prescribe war as the final option, to be employed only after all peaceful methods are exhausted. But, when this time comes, war is taught to be a matter of great personal and social importance, where every man who belongs to the warrior caste must do his du

Hindu mythological wars

Hindu mythological wars are the battles described in the Hindu texts of ancient India. These battles depicted great heroes, demons, celestial weapons and supernatural beings. Major wars were fought with the aim of upholding the Dharma (righteousness that brought prosperity to humanity) over Adharma (wickedness that causes humanity to suffer). The purpose of the wars is often described as the removal of demonic beings or lords and rulers who pursued war with ambition (wicked wishes) and domination (for worldly pleasures). Hindu teachings prescribe war as the final option, to be employed only after all peaceful methods are exhausted. But, when this time comes, war is taught to be a matter of great personal and social importance, where every man who belongs to the warrior caste must do his du