Hinithun Velaashey Kalaa

Hinithun Velaashey Kalaa is a Maldivian television series directed by Abdul Faththaah. Produced by Red Productions, the series stars Mariyam Afeefa, Khadheeja Ibrahim Didi and Mohamed Manik in pivotal roles. Developed as a 52-episode series, it was written by Mahdi Ahmed and narrates the journey of two best friends who are poles apart in their behavior and attitude.

Hinithun Velaashey Kalaa

Hinithun Velaashey Kalaa is a Maldivian television series directed by Abdul Faththaah. Produced by Red Productions, the series stars Mariyam Afeefa, Khadheeja Ibrahim Didi and Mohamed Manik in pivotal roles. Developed as a 52-episode series, it was written by Mahdi Ahmed and narrates the journey of two best friends who are poles apart in their behavior and attitude.