Hip and buttock padding

Hip and buttock padding is used to increase the apparent size of the hips and buttocks in order to increase apparent waist-hip ratio which implies more feminine body shape. It is used by both sexes: women wishing to increase their physical attractiveness, some transgender people including transsexuals and cross-dressers, and performers both male in drag and female. This technique is often used by drag queens to create the illusion of a feminine figure, often taking it to the extreme for comedic value.

Hip and buttock padding

Hip and buttock padding is used to increase the apparent size of the hips and buttocks in order to increase apparent waist-hip ratio which implies more feminine body shape. It is used by both sexes: women wishing to increase their physical attractiveness, some transgender people including transsexuals and cross-dressers, and performers both male in drag and female. This technique is often used by drag queens to create the illusion of a feminine figure, often taking it to the extreme for comedic value.