History of the Jews in Łuków

The history of the Jews in Łuków, Poland spans from the 15th to 20th century. The community flourished from the 18th-early 20th century, following the confirmation of certain privileges granted to Polish Jews in 1659. The community had its own synagogues, yeshivas, beit midrash, mikveh, schools, and community center. By the 19th century, the majority of the general population of Łuków was Jewish, with many people working in a shoe factory. Members of the community followed various movements, including Hasidic Judaism, socialism, labor movements, and Zionism. The majority of the Jewish community of Łuków was murdered in the Holocaust. There were only about 150 survivors in total, most of whom had left for the Soviet Union.

History of the Jews in Łuków

The history of the Jews in Łuków, Poland spans from the 15th to 20th century. The community flourished from the 18th-early 20th century, following the confirmation of certain privileges granted to Polish Jews in 1659. The community had its own synagogues, yeshivas, beit midrash, mikveh, schools, and community center. By the 19th century, the majority of the general population of Łuków was Jewish, with many people working in a shoe factory. Members of the community followed various movements, including Hasidic Judaism, socialism, labor movements, and Zionism. The majority of the Jewish community of Łuków was murdered in the Holocaust. There were only about 150 survivors in total, most of whom had left for the Soviet Union.